Action plan post covid to ensure our guests

We have always been concerned with health and well-being of all guests. For this reason, and now more than ever, we want to continue taking care of you, we want you to take care of yourself.

We have developed a global plan that includes three assurances: sanitary, higiene and experience, with more tan 60 measures to ensure safety and experience of guests, staff and suppliers. You will feel just as safe as at home when you travel again.

Sanitary Assurance
Assurance with regard to the health of our guests and medical care.
garantía vivood
  • Free travel assistance assurance for bookings made directly on our website
  • Transport, medical repatriation and travel medical assistance.
  • Free sending and delivery of medicine without prescription.
  • Travel medical assistance in the event of accident or illness.
  • Travel and accommodation expenses for the person accompanying him/her are included.
  • Accommodation in the hotel by medical prescription free of charge.
  • Having to return home early due to the death of a second-degree relative.
Hygiene Assurance
Extraordinary hygiene and security measures
garantía vivood
  • Online check-in before arrival. in order to reduce The time and presence of guests in the reception area will be reduced
  • Disinfectant dispensesr at the entrance to each room and common areas.
  • Towels or bedding are treated with pure oxygen
  • The rooms are sanitised with highly effective products to combat viruses.
  • UV lamp will be available to help disinfect objects.
  • We increased the frequency with which it carries out cleaning and disinfection in public spaces
  • Use of masks and gloves, available also for our guests
Experience Assurance
Benefits to ensure that our guests enjoy have a good experience
garantia vivood
  • Preventive health service and healthy remote assistance about nutrition, personal training and mindfulness
  • 24-hour personalised personal assistant service by telephone in 3 languages
  • Free cancellation of your stay: justified medical grounds, missed flight, hospitalisation of a close relative
  • Compensation for loss, theft or total or partial destruction of baggage and personal belongings checked in during the flight
  • No charge if a stay is cut short due to hospitalisation of a close or if your main residence is broken into or damaged

We want to share our work and effort to help the tourism sector in this difficult time, and we make the 360 Assuracne document available so that any professional can use it as inspiration and adapt it to their needs.


Note: General Conditions of the policy here

This action plan is a document in constant evolution that will be updated in accordance with the decisions that the competent authorities adopt in terms of safety and higiene.

michelin 2024
Check in
29, mar, 2025


Verano Relax

Gran Fin de Año VIVOOD

Esta Nochevieja no te la puedes perder

Cóctel de bienvenida amenizado con bailarina clásica y música de violín en directo

Ceremonia del Tiempo

Cena de gala y campanadas VIVOOD

Fiesta fin de año con DJ

Dear Summer...

I can not wait to see you again and enjoy your bright, sunsets and unique moments

